A lot of people have sent me questions asking “what is it like...”. At near the end of day nine here is my take on the experience -
Go to the Y at 8 in the morning, get on the stair climber for 30 minutes then on the treadmill for 30 minutes and repeat for 9 hours. Take a 20 minute lunch outside sitting on a log or rock. Maybe some Romann noodles and a snickers bar. A few breaks through the day for water. If you have to go to the bathroom, go outside and find a concealed place in the bushes, dig a 4 inch cat hole and make your deposit, cover and head back to the stair climber. After your 9 hours, put up a tent, cook some cuscus on a small stove and mix in a bag of tuna. Maybe dessert of some Swiss Miss and Pop tarts. To bed by “hiker midnight” which is 9 pm. Get up and do over. Add a liberal sprinkling of incredible sunrises, sunsets, beautiful mountain views and great camaraderie!!!!!
It is going to snow again tonite here on A. P. Farm. Here's hoping that by the time you reach the great state of Maine, we will have some warm weather !!! Looks like you are doing well. Thanks for sharing your story.